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Getting Started

You can work with this project either locally or through a Dev Container via GitHub Codespaces. The sections that follow will walk through how to do either. Before you do so, be sure to fork the repository so you have access to it under your GitHub profile.

Running in a Container

The following section requires Visual Studio Code to be installed and configured with the following extensions:

  • GitHub Codespaces
  • Remote Explorer
  1. Open a new Visual Studio Code window without opening a folder or repository. This can be done from a terminal with code -n, or if you have Visual Studio Code pinned to the taskbar, you can right-click the icon and select New Window.

  2. Open the Remote Explorer sidebar, select GitHub Codespaces from the drop-down, and click Sign in to GitHub:


  3. Once signed in, click the Create Codespace button and use the following settings:


    • Repository: distributed-design
    • Branch: main
    • Instance Type: At least 4 cores
  4. After the codespace is finished configuring, click the Extensions sidebar and reload the extensions:


  5. Open the SQL Server Connections sidebar and verify that the node databases have been initialized:


  6. Open the bottom panel with Ctrl + ` if it's not already open. Click the Ports tab. Right-click the Proposals API (5001) and Workflows API (5002) ports and set Port Visibility to Public:


  7. Go to the Task Explorer sidebar and run the clean-and-build task:


  8. Open 4 terminals (Ctrl + Shift + ` opens a new terminal) and run the following in each terminal:

    Terminal 1

    cd ./nodes/workflows/Workflows.Api
    dotnet run

    Terminal 2

    cd ./nodes/proposals/Proposals.Api
    dotnet run

    Terminal 3

    cd ./apps/proposals
    npm run start:code

    Terminal 4

    cd ./apps/workflows
    npm run start:code

Access the nodes and apps with the following:


You can open the URLs below through the bottom panel Ports tab by clicking the Open in Browser globe icon that shows up when you hover over the port in the Forwarded Address column:


Propsals Node
Workflows Node
Proposals App
Workflows App

Running Locally

To run this repository locally, you will need:

  1. Open the repository in Visual Studio Code.

  2. Go to the Task Explorer sidebar and run the clean-and-build task:


  3. Assuming you have a local .\DevSql instance of SQL Server, apply Entity Framework migrations for both the proposals and workflows nodes:

    dotnet ef database update -p ./nodes/proposals/Proposals.Data
    dotnet ef database update -p ./nodes/workflows/Workflows.Data
  4. From 4 different terminals (Ctrl + Shift + ` opens a new terminal), start the nodes and apps in the order demonstrated below:

    Terminal 1

    cd ./nodes/workflows/Workflows.Api
    dotnet run

    Terminal 2

    cd ./nodes/proposals/Proposals.Api
    dotnet run

    Terminal 3

    cd ./apps/proposals
    npm run start:dev

    Terminal 4

    cd ./apps/workflows
    npm run start:dev

Access the nodes and apps with the following:

Propsals Nodehttp://localhost:5001/swagger
Workflows Nodehttp://localhost:5002/swagger
Proposals Apphttp://localhost:3001
Workflows Apphttp://localhost:3002